You will never be sad again
Thread Topic: You will never be sad again
"sounds pleasant. I just remember having to go and steal for everyday meals and even then I didn't eat everyday." Finn was still weirded out about the whole being full thing.
"that's why every thief has to have someone looking out for 'em. You'll lose yourself fast if you don't got no one to lean on. Even scum bags like me have family to go back to." Alexander said
"the closest family I had was stray cats in the alleys." Finn started too feel self pity. "I miss my sisters though."
"why not just wish them out of jail? Infinite power here kid. Infinite. There's only a few things I can't do." Alexander said, flexing his arms.
"I'm not sure... they did bad things." finn knew they needed to be where they were. "if I wish them out they'll probably steal you and like, end the world or something like that."
"wow, that's a lotta ambition. Anyways the box can only be gifted, not stolen. The witch hated thieves more than anyone else. How else would I get stuck in a box for years on end." Alexander said
"good, they were bad but dumb. hence being caught." finn looked at the box.
"if you're stealing you should be smart about it." Alexander said. The box looked like a pure gold box, except for a small valve on the side.
Finn chuckled "even i know that, as funny as it is."
"everyone should know if they're stealin. It's like how you should stick to stealin at night." Alexander said
"I guess that makes sense" Finn shrugged.
"ehh, that stuff is all kiddie stuff. The real big lesson is the hardest one, how to find out if a witch is in town." Alexander said, looking around the alley
"witches?". finn looked puzzled
"witches. I could tell you every greedy, messy little detail about those evil old biddes who think just because they don't steal from living people that they're better than me." Alexander said
"huh" finn said.
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