so american~
Thread Topic: so american~
George smiled into the kiss, pulling away after a moment. “But you’re feeling better?”
“Yeah, my head’s not hurting anymore,” Clay replied with a nod, resting his forehead against George’s.
“Good,” George said with a smile, letting his eyes flutter shut.
Clay pressed a short kiss on George’s lips, pulling back after a moment to admire his boyfriend with a smile.
George smiled, ducking his head and head-butting Clay’s chest. “Stop-“
Clay chuckled softly, running a hand through George’s hair. “What, can’t I have some kisses~?” He asked, smiling a little.
“You can, just stop looking at me like that-“ George said with a chuckle.
“But you’re too pretty not to admire~” Clay said with a lovesick grin, hugging George close.
“Shut up,” George groaned, gently kicking Clay’s shin.
“Oww, not nice~” Clay jokingly whined with a chuckle, running a hand through George’s hair. He kissed the top of his head, humming softly.
“Says you,” George said, giggling quietly and hugging Clay closer.
Clay chuckled softly, rubbing George’s back with a smile.
George picked his head up again, moving his head to press soft kisses against Clay’s neck.
Clay shivered under George’s touch a little, smiling as he held the brunette close.
George continued kissing his neck, pulling the collar of his shirt down and around to expose more skin.
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