so american~
Thread Topic: so american~
(pfft- what if i made clay like, lowk judgy of her- xD
he be like, ehh, she’s cute, but she looks like an ass-
and then nick’s like, YoU dOn’T uNdErStAnD-)
Clay scrolled through the images, nodding a little. “Okay, I see you,” he said with a quiet chuckle, staring at the girl in the photo -
Nick grinned. “So- do you approve?” Nick said hesitantly. -
“Well- I mean, she’s pretty, I guess,” Clay said with an awkward chuckle, handing Nick his phone back, “but- She kind of looks like an ass, y’know? Like- She reminds me of Jolie, in a way-“
Nick frowned a little, taking his phone back and pocketing it. “Oh- well- she’s not, I promise. She’s really nice.”
“I’m sure she is! I’m sure she’s a great girl, I’m not trying to be like, oh, you’re not allowed to date her, or anything,” Clay said, looking over at Nick. “But just- As a warning, be careful. You’re dealing with a lot right now, and I don’t want to see you hurting even more because of some girl, okay?”
“Oh, cmon dude, she’s not like that,” Nick said with a chuckle. “You wouldn’t understand until you’ve met her. She’s so nice.”
“Alright, I trust you,” Clay said with a short chuckle, nodding. “Just- If she tries anything on you, you let me or George know, okay?”
“She won’t, dude, I promise,” Nick said with a chuckle, laying back down again as George started to loudly snore. “What the-“
Clay laughed softly, running a hand through George’s hair. “Well, that’s new- Or maybe it’s not and I just don’t hear it in my sleep,” he said, chuckling as he hugged his boyfriend close.
“You probably just don’t hear it, because he’s done that every time I’ve been with him,” Nick said with a chuckle.
“Pfft- Guess not,” Clay said, chuckling softly. “I am a pretty heavy sleep, honestly.”
“You really f---ing are-“ Nick said, getting cut off for a second by a loud snore from George. “So is this b----, apparently,” he giggled quietly, flicking the back of George’s head. “What?” George stirred awake for a quick moment, picking his head up for a moment. When George first wakes up, when he’s really drunk, or when he’s really angry is when his accent is heaviest, and this is one of those moments. So his ‘What’ sounded more like ‘Wot’.
“PFFT-“ Clay laughed as he hugged George close, smiling. “Morning, baby~”
George whined quietly, hiding his face on Clay’s shoulder. “f--- you guys-“ “Aww, we love you too~” Nick said with a giggle.
Clay laughed softly, hugging George close and rubbing his back. “You enjoy your little nap~?”
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