Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
‘For a couple years in middle school. My parents pulled me out, though,’ Collins said. ‘Some of the kids weren’t that nice.’
"they should be nicer." Florence said. He extended his arms to look at the injuries in the sunlight. It looked like he'd tried to hug a cactus.
‘Yeah, I wish they were,’ Collins said, looking down at his arms, trying not to show disgust even if she was squeamish. ‘Do you need some bandages to cover it?’
"probably. Why were they mean to you anyways? You're so cool." Florence said. He mimicked a whale call.
Collins grabbed the roll of bandages from her satchel and offered them to him. ‘I dunno. Just stuff that goes on in my brain, I guess.’
"the way someone's brain works is no reason to bully them." Florence said. He took the bandages and wrapped them around his arms.
‘I guess. People just don’t like anything that’s different. Hence why you shouldn’t leave the hospital,’ Collins said.
"they should learn to accept new things. Only babies act that picky." Florence said
Collins chuckled. ‘Maybe those mean people are just babies,’ she said.
"exactly." Florence said happily. He chirped as he tied the bandages around his arm.
Collins smiled, watching him tie the bandages. ‘Feeling better? Less dizzy?’ she asked.
"yeah. Sorry for scaring you again. He's poisonous." Florence said. His ears drooped. He felt very bad
‘It’s okay. You didn’t scare me, I was just worried about you. I was more scared of Moses,’ Collins said.
"I wouldn't have left you alone with him if I thought he was going to do that. I thought he was going to be nice." Florence said
‘I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I knew he was going to do that,’ Collins said, laying down on the grass.
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