- clarice -
Thread Topic: - clarice -
oh clarice, what will i be?
when you leave, just a shell of me?
new vent thread dropped- lmaoo
i really hate when my vent threads get long bc that just means i'm complaining too much abt s--- i don't need to be complaining abt bc it's not a big f---in' deal- but yk, fun times lol
anyone is allowed to post in this thread, just as long as it's like, to check up on me or comment about any content/topic i bring up in this thread. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL, i will not tolerate any bulls--- in any of my threads. i love you all (/platonic-) and have a good day!
oh clarice, you're the detail i need,
shelter me, oh clarice. -
old vent thread
sticking to a diet is so f---ing hard-
also, my mom's been pissing me off so much lately, i just- i'm so over it... -
not me abt to pull a reddit move-
AITA for getting mad at my mom abt my screen time limits??
i (18, female), got my phone less than a year ago, either before or after my b-day? (i forget, tbh lmao) and my mom (40 smth-, female) puts screen time limits on my phone. my screen time turns on at 8 am in the morning (which tbh, pretty reasonable), and turns off at 10 pm (again, pretty reasonable). which means, i could technically be having 14 hours of screen time a day. but she puts limits on it. the original screen time limit was 4 hours. which means if i use apps on my phone for four hours (whether in a row or sporadically), then my screen time goes on (off? idk lol). for a bit i managed to get it up to 6 hours, after asking for "an extra hour" so i could "play video games with my cousins" or something like that. but then it went back down to 4. so recently i asked if i could have 6 hours, since 4 felt way too short for a 14 hour screen time period i have during the day. she did, and for a week or two i had that much screen time. but NOW, i have only 4 HOURS AGAIN. and then she added an EVEN f---ING SHORTER SCREEN TIME on social media apps (aka insta bc it's the only one i have and care to have atm lmao), and that's 2 HOURS! so not only do i get only 4 hours of screen time during the 14 HOUR TIME PERIOD THAT I HAVE DURING THE DAY, but if i use up the social media screen time too soon, IT SHUTS OFF!!!
i can kinda get past the screen time shutting off during the day by deleting an app i used a lot that day, and it gets rid of the screen time used for that app and resets it n stuff? but like, still- FOUR f---ING HOURS OF SCREEN TIME during a 14 HOUR TIME PERIOD??? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL f---???
to be fair, i have done some things in the past that i am not proud of that has warranted this, along with restrictions, but still- it's just too much and it makes me upset with her and i just- i hate it so much...
anyways, AITA in this situation??
(i'm sorry this just cracked me up writing it like this, i had to XDDD) -
Having a screen time at all at 18 is wild to begin with, but coming from a strict household, I know it's not unheard of, and it's really stressful for you. I'm with you on this one. I think you should be able to have as many hours as the phone is on, honestly.
i mean, i personally don't care one bit abt the screen time, like, turning off at 10 and turning back on at 8 the next morning, but like- the fact i only get 4 hours of screen time to use, leaving TEN HOURS that i CAN'T USE??? it's f---ing insane.
i have done some stuff that has warranted this, but still, it's f---ing wild-
and i'm probably gonna have to wait until i move out to not have the restrictions and insane screen times anymore. she literally said as long as you're in my house, you're gonna have these restrictions and screen time limits- it's f---ing crazy, i just can't believe it. -
my head's pounding-
at least it's snowing :) -
i'm not a bad person for my choices, am i? :') -
my head hurts, i need to go to bed-
please don't hate me- please, no one hate me :'))
forgot one last thing: i don't mind talking abt politics, just please don't hate me for anything i say abt it, i literally only just voted for the first time this year, idk s--- abt politics man- (i literally just voted for who my parents chose :'))
i'm so f---ing done, i need to leave this goddamn house, i'm so done with this bulls----
my legs are so sore-
i think ik what might've been giving me anxiety-
i should get a therapist-
and get my life f---ing figured out, but yk.
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