Thread Topic: question
should i be considered disgusting/a bad person/a sinner for liking shows with gay characters or are more lgbtq+ centered? because that's what my mom thinks apparently.
and should i be considered disgusting/a bad person/a sinner for liking gay ships?? like, just bc i like boy x boy pairings and girl x girl pairings makes me a bad person?? are you s---ting me??? -
also this- -
I don't want to judge people I don't know, but your mom sounds hella homophobic. I'm also v e r y gay tho and I love queer shows and ships.
I don't think anything's wrong with it, but when you bring religion into it, it gets messy and nuanced -
pfft- i'm judging her, so go ahead- she really is kinda homophobic.
but like, we have a gay uncle on my dad's side, so like- for what??
and it's just- i'm so tired of feeling like i'm doing something wrong or believing/liking something that's considered not okay by my family/friends/ppl of my religion- -
Hey there, will put out that religion (Christianity, mostly, but most religions have this general idea) to "Love thy neighbor" and "Do not judge, for as you judge you will be judged"? Tell them that.
Also, I heard of a pastor once who said, "The gays aren't going to hell for being gay, because the straights aren't going to heaven for being straight" so maybe tell them that if you're feeling reckless at some point -
and yesterday, AT CHURCH, one of the pastors at the bug campus did a preach and brought up a story about how he, i think was on a plane?, and was next to some guy and started chatting with him. he asked the guy if he had a faith, and the guy said yes. and then he asked smth like, if he knew he was going to heaven, and the guy said no. so he asked the guy why he said no, and said that only God decides if we go to heaven.
then he talked about how he already decided. he already sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross for us. he already decided where we were going to go. so, i just- i don't get how some christians can be so f---ing homophobic and not "love thy neighbor" and other stuff. like, it actually f---ing baffles me, i just- -
It's... Well, that's a smaller reason why I'm not even Christian anymore, that's all I'll say-
yeah, and that's totally fair, honestly.
Homophobia disguised as religion is still homophobia. Saying you're only homophobic because it's against your religion is an excuse and a band-aid hiding the real problem.
Also, people shouldn't attack other people's beliefs because of their own. If something's against your beliefs, it's against YOUR beliefs, not the other person. -
i'm gonna be so glad when i move out, i'll be able to watch all my gay shows n movies and read my gay stories WITHOUT being harassed by my mother :')) -
"You can't have a cookie, I'M on a diet!" -
pisses me off sm, istg-
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