Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Me: *Moves in bed*
Bed: "Eeeeeeeeeeeee!" -
I have another song to upload, but it might be too soon. How do I get more views on this one first?
I'm wondering if synth is too much for every song. should i use realistic instruments? Synth is kind of my aim, tho.
Can I please have some mail? The world forgets i exist sometimes. Amazorn remembers, tho. Thank, Amazorn.
β‘ Should I work on another song today? β‘
I like getting mail when I forget i ordered something
Yes! The best kind of mail. You get to feel special when something is addressed to you and you get a cool new thing!
Sigh. Too much politics on my feed. I'm just a thingy in the world trying to do cool stuff.
Made my ad for the day. Hope someone listens to my song soon. I only have 3 random views. I want more random views.
If it were on TikTok, it'd have at least 10 views by now. I still can't upload anything.
Oh, well.
I think i will work on a song. I have some time. Then I can do other things later.
damn that's real about politics, it's like i don't even wanna focus on the world cause i feel overstimulated but it's also kinda my responsibility as a voting adult to stay somewhat informed. man i just wanna be a frog
The song I'm working on is an updated one from 2015. I'm in love with it. Definitely gonna post it soon. Just need more traffic first.
I really like the sound fx.
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