Cabin 13
- Locked by Br0wnieBunny on Nov 24, '24 8:15pmReason: thread owner request
Thread Topic: Cabin 13
Everyone was also screaming the “no matter gay straight or bi lesbian transgender life” of Born This Way too lmaoo
Yasssss we love band karaoke xD
Yasss it was so slay
me in pe: *gets caught in net since me and the group i was in was s--- at setting up for pickleball and spent more time trying to get the divider set up than actually playing*
friend: guys we've caught a wild homosexual -
Bear Grylls would be proud of them-
a LiVe HOmO
help real-
iN iTs NaTuRaL hAbItAt -
aN eNdaNgErED SpECiEs
wE cAn TeLl ThIs OnE iS a HoMo SuBsPeCieS, cOmMoNlY kNoWn aS "sNeEt SnArT"
oThErWiSE kNoWn aS tHe NoNBiBBLe
wE kNoW tHiS bY tHe FuRy iN tHeIr EyEs WhEn SoMeOnE aSsUmEs ThEiR gEnDeR
wE cAn ALso TeLL bY tHe FaCt tHaT ThEiR NaMe sTaRTs wiTH ALeX (alex is the most transcoded name, I'm not wrong)
pLuS tHe PrIdE fLaG bRaCeLeTs (help my parents were just setting me up to be a sneet snart)
THe PuRpLeEeEEeeE (real- I can't even say anything my f---ing username is Alex-)
tHe WhItE sTrEaKs iN tHeiR hAiR (exactly you're also a sneet snart)
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