food is a person

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this is a boring quiz but maybe you will like it. i'm going to type a bunch of words that don't make sense to fill this box. sdfhsfhskjdhfsjhdfkjhalkh

ok, have the best time possible. if you hate the quiz, give it a low rate, if it is a good quiz, give it a good rate. YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT. so bye haha, good luck

Created by: grimmchild
  1. which will you pick, choose wisely
  2. best food
  3. the description for "is" has the wrong youtube url so don't click on it
  4. s p l a t o o n
  5. weird quiz
  6. hollow knight grimmchild
  7. aRe ThEsE qUeStIoNs WeIrD???
  8. l e t s p l a y h o l l o w k n i g h t
  9. _________ is best girl. fill in the blank

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