Does your male teacher likes you ?

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Does one of your male teachers acts weird around you ? It can be also a reason that he likes you. If you think that he is weird. Let's find out that he likes you or not. This quiz is for girls only. Very sorry boys.

I've created it because no one thinks of it. Most questions are the body language typed questions. So, If you like it, thanks for taking it. I hope, you all will like it. Let's go......

Created by: Nerdy Paris White Sky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he stares at you ?
  2. Does he says, "Hi"or "bye" ?
  3. Does he stands for a long time at your bench when he is walking in the class ?
  4. Has he ever tried to touch you?
  5. Does he tries to makes you laugh?
  6. Does he tries to get your attention ( Calls you for no reason) ?
  7. Does he compliments on you ?
  8. Does he glances at you?
  9. Are you shy ?
  10. How are your grades?
  11. Thanks for taking it. Bye.

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Quiz topic: Does my male teacher likes you ?