Does your family hate you?

There are many people that may think their family don't like them. If your one of them, dont be scared take the quiz no one will see what you choose so dont worry.

Are you ok? Do your family treat you bad, of you dont know take this quiz. In a few minutes you'll find out and i'll give you advice. Dont be scared. Give it a try.

Created by: Samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are your parents togethor or divorced?
  2. Who do you live with?
  3. Do you get bullied by one of your parents?
  4. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  5. Are they mean or nice to you?
  6. Do you get in trouble a lot in school?
  7. Do they treat you like a servant?
  8. Do they ever take you out to dinner, movie, or shopping?
  9. Do you cut yourself?
  10. Do you do good in school?

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Quiz topic: Does my family hate you?