Does he like you back?

Nothing to do today? How about a good-old-fashioned quiz! Test your knowledge of boys! You got your eye on that one guy, eh? Take this quiz to see if he likes you, too. Maybe something will spark!

Do you like him? Does he like you? A common question among pre-teens that isn't always answered. Luckily for you, this might be your chance to find out!

Created by: Zoe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is he in any of your classes?
  2. Honestly 'cus it only hurts you, do you think he likes you?
  3. Does he smile alot at you or laugh?
  4. Why do you like him? (No effect.)
  5. Why might he like you? (No effect.)
  6. When you goof up, how does he respond?
  7. Has he talked about his friends/ family around you?
  8. What do you think he noticed first when he met you?
  9. What do you guys connect most on?
  10. Last question. Do you think your results are good? (No effect.)

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