do you take care of your cat right

do you think you can take care of your cat the right way? try this quiz and you will find out if you actualy do give your cat the best life ever. some of the questions could be real easy.

you should take this quiz and see if you love your cat as much as some people do. try your luck and see if you know how to truely take care of your cat.

Created by: Linsey
  1. do you take your cat to the dr.when he or she needs to get there shot?
  2. Do you clean youtr cat box when the cat is done using it a couple times?
  3. Do you feed your cat when he runs out?
  4. Do you give your cat any fresh water when he needs it?
  5. Do you give your cat any attention everyday?
  6. If your cat sleeps outside does he/she have some shelter.
  7. when your cat has fleas do you get it some flea treatment.
  8. do you buy cat food if your running low on it.
  9. do you wash a cat when its dirty.
  10. does your cat try to run out of the house when you open the door

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Quiz topic: Do I take care of my cat right