Do you really know Natalie?

How well do you know me? It's time to take a test. I've been around for a long time now and would hope that IF you are smart enough that you would be able to ace this one! This really is the ultimate "Do you know Natalie" quiz :)

The obvious advantage is that there is only one Natalie on HK. It's not like my name is Kim or Kiersten! Are you ready for the challenge? Let's get started!

Created by: Natalie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Natalie has lived in:
  2. I share a birthday with
  3. I have never:
  4. The first time that dh asked me to marry him I said
  5. The number of current HK members that I have met in person
  6. The first class that I was kicked out of was
  7. I planned to be a ......... when I grew up
  8. How many times have I moved house in my life
  9. My eye colour (yes that is spelt right because this is MY quiz) is
  10. I have been married for

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Natalie?