Do you know your books?

Do you think you know books, a book buff? Before you can go bragging to people about that, lets see how you do in my quiz first. Get a passing grade, brag as much as you want.

Trrrry my quiz! FUN, for book buffs only. Take a couple minutes of your time please and take my quiz. Isn't life just better with books... And Tyler's quizzes?

Created by: 070085915
  1. How many books are there in the artimis fowl series?
  2. How many books are there in the I survived series?
  3. How many books are there in the Percy Jackson series?
  4. How many books are there in the captain underpants series?
  5. How many books are there in the divergent series?
  6. How many books are there in the series the hobbit and lord of the rings?
  7. How many books are there in the series lemony snicket?
  8. What do you call a series of three books?
  9. What do you call the 39 clues series?
  10. How many books are in the series called malice?
  11. How many books are in the series called holes?
  12. What do you call the hunger games series?
  13. How many book are there in a series called the fourth plague?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my books?