Do you have the potential to become a serial killer?

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Welcome to my serial killer quiz. This quiz will tell you if you have the potential to become a serial killer or not. I hope you're satisfied with your results.

Also just a little note: If you do have murderous tendencies a lot, you might wanna get some help, murdering people can get you in a lot of trouble. :)

Created by: reverie
  1. Have you ever had a dream where you killed someone?
  2. Have you ever imagined what people would look like if they were dead right in front of you?
  3. Do you often think about death?
  4. Does blood make you uneasy?
  5. How smart do you think you are on a scale of 1-10? 1 being very dumb and 10 being a genius.
  6. If you saw a random person you don't know getting beaten up what would you do?
  7. How strong are you on a scale of 1-10? 1 being incredibly weak, 10 being amazingly strong.
  8. Have you ever wanted to kill someone?
  9. Do you like to kill bugs and insects?
  10. Have you ever actually killed a human being?
  11. Have you ever seen a dead human? How did you feel about it?

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Quiz topic: Do I have the potential to become a serial killer?

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