Do you have a crush on him

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This quiz tells you if your crush is actually your crush or just a friendly acquaintance or enemy of just friends maybe your best friend maybe none probably not none

If you like this quiz please vote for the smiley face emoji I really hope you like it it took me days to work on literally I'm not even joking I really hope you like ENJOY

Created by: Adrienne Valoraz
  1. Does he give you butterflies?
  2. Does he make your palms sweaty?
  3. Do you try to talk to him a lot?
  4. Do you get butterflies when he is around
  5. do you like another guy other than him??
  6. Do you like his personallity?
  7. Does he has an allergy?? this doesn't affect your score
  8. do you think he's cute??
  9. do you have any allergies similar to his??this don't effect your score
  10. What do you like most about him??

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Quiz topic: Do I have a crush on him
