Do you belong @ Hogwarts, Camp Half Blood, or neither?

There is a character minimum and I have to describe this quiz for some reason. I highly recommend both the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series. So, yeah.

Another character minimum. Here are some long words:balderdash. Pumpernickel. Weinerschnitzel. Jagerschnitzel. Hahnchenschnitzel. Celebratory. Festivities.

Created by: no name please
  1. Age?
  2. How are your dreams?
  3. Do you have all your parents with you?
  4. Do you have any siblings?
  5. Do you have many friends?
  6. Do you like this quiz so far?
  7. Have you read the Harry Potter books (all of them)?
  8. Do you like Star Wars?
  9. Gender?
  10. Have you read all the Percy Jackson books?
  11. Are you excited for the upcoming PJO Disney+ series?

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Quiz topic: Do I belong @ Hogwarts, Camp Half Blood, or neither?
