Do they like you?

Hi! This is a quiz on how much your crush likes you. This quiz may not be accurate, so don't think that your result is completely accurate. I hope you enjoy!

Try to be honest and not put "I don't know" too much, the more you answer with that response, the less accurate your result will be. Well, I hope you get a good result!

Created by: Qibli
  1. When you look at them, they...
  2. When they see you in the hallways, they...
  3. Do you ever sit next to each other?
  4. Do you ever catch them staring at you?
  5. Do they seem to be interested in your interests?
  6. Do they try to move closer to you (moving their chair closer to yours, sitting as close to you as possible)
  7. Do you know if they are currently in a relationship?
  8. Do the ever act different around you?
  9. You're playing Truth or Dare with them, and 1 good friend of yours. Your friend dares them to kiss you. What do you think they'd do?
  10. What would you rate them on a scale or 1-10? (10 being the most attractive) WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR RESULTS

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