Dinosaur roleplay

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Dinosaurs included: t rex, brachiosaurus, microraptor, velociraptor, Allosaurus, parasaurolophus, stegosaurus, ankylosaurus, therezinosaurus and pachycephalosaurus (if i forgot one pls tell me)

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Created by: UnWiNdIaZ
  1. you are in a airplane and you see a enormous quetzalcoatlus flying in your side.
  2. You landed your airplane. BEWARE!!! ankylosaurus fighting stegosaurus almost attacked you!
  3. You are in your house, with your basket collecting apples from your apple tree. When a Parasaurolophus suddenly eat 1 of your apples. You:
  4. You got your fishing rod, boat and basket to go fishing. Suddenly a spinosaurus eat some of ur fishes.
  5. Tame your dino.
  6. Your pet get sick
  7. Look ur back a t rex behind You trying to hunt you
  8. Remember your apple tree? A brachiosaurus ate it but not whole
  9. A triceratops invade your house
  10. U see Allosaurus sleeping in ur bed
  11. Would you go in a race challenge with a velociraptor?
  12. Fight the microraptors.
  13. You see a therezinosaurus what u do
  14. Its morning, you wake up, look at the window and see 2 pachycephalosaurus battlening. You.
  15. Quiz owner message: hi user, just to warn you, this is the end. So bye

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