Classification of Crops

Crop classification helps in identifying a plant internationally as there are different common names of same plant species in various region of the world

The quiz is designed to test your knowledge on the topic so far. If you wish to clarify some things you are welcome to do so. Thank you for your participation.

Created by: Nath Benipayo
  1. These are annual herbaceous plants grown on the farm under a system of “extensive” or large-scale culture.
  2. Greek philosopher and scientist who worked on his Enquiry to Plants, Historia Plantarum. Father of Botany
  3. Rice is a stable food crop that belongs to which family of plant species?
  4. Mungbean and Peanut belongs to which family of plant species?
  5. Which of the following agronomic plants are characterized as Fiber crops?
  6. Tomato is an example of what classification of horticultural crops based on its use?
  7. Garlic and Onion belongs to which family of plant species?
  8. What genus does Papaya belong to?
  9. The following are the list of crops used for industrial processing, except?
  10. Horticultural classification which includes a wide variety of species grown for the cut flower industry and decorative purposes.

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