Chess Quiz For You

Hi! If you are here, you are probably here to see if you are smart enough in chess. Please remember your score is only for the ones you got right in THIS quiz.

So what are you waiting for? If you think you've got what it takes, then come and do this stinkbomb! It is very easy! 3, 2, 1, go! Make sure to take my other quiz as well.

Created by: a big fat man with a huge butt
  1. What is chess?
  2. What is stalemate?
  3. What are the ranks? i.e a piece can only capture pieces of lower rank
  4. How does a Cannon move?
  5. How do you castle?
  6. What kind of shape is a good pawn structure?
  7. Which part of the board is the best?
  8. How many squares on a chessboard?
  9. Where can queen go?
  10. Where can pawn go?

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