Can you pass this medicine cat assessment?(Warrior cats)

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Hello! If you are not an avid reader of Warrior cats, I suggest you don't take the quiz as you may not know its content. This quiz is for you to find out if you can be a medicine cat.

You can take this quiz and pass with flying colors easily if you read Warrior cats a lot. I took a lot of time making tis so I really hope you enjoy it!

Created by: Potato
  1. What are the two herbs used for greencough?
  2. What is the best herb for INFECTED rat bites?
  3. What to do when a cat falls into water?
  4. What is one law of the medicine cats?
  5. Which herb is used for bellyache? (Trapped wind kind)
  6. What herb is used for fever?
  7. What is the effect of poppy seeds?
  8. What poultice is used for wounds?
  9. A cat is coughing non stop, has a fever and is very weak. What illness is it?
  10. What to do if a cat has a wound that's bleeding non stop no matter how many cobwebs you put?

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Quiz topic: Can I pass this medicine cat assessment?(Warrior cats)
