Can i guess your birth year? (Original or not?)

Hai random person remember that it depends if you chose something so the results have boom and the alphabet to reach 100 words for my quiz so plz don't mind this

2ND PARAGRAPH AND I SKIP A CLASS HAHA FUKE CLASS reach 100 words s reach 150 words reach 110 words reach 10 words reach 101 words reach 105 words reach 100 words

Created by: xXMartinaXx
  1. To determine your birth year I shall see what you like.
  2. Do you go to work or school?
  3. Choose these words backward
  4. Sorry not sorry for the next one :D
  5. WHAT?
  6. who loves fnaf?
  7. i'm running out of ideas!
  8. Welcome to the final questions! answer this! remember that the answers depend on the points so don't be mad at me :c
  9. Bro this is crap
  10. Am i boring?

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Quiz topic: Can i guess my birth year? (Original or not?)
