Can i guess Your age? QUIZ!

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Hello! I'm KITTYCREEP and welcome back to another quiz! In this quiz, i will be finding out your age! well, trying to, anyways!!! i hope i'm sucessful!

In this quiz, i will be asking you 10 questions about your personality. Please answer honestly, or the answer will not be correct! now, let's get started, shall we??

Created by: KITTYCREEP
  1. Are you a tomboy, a girly girl, or a Tomgirl (A little bit of both)?
  2. Would you rather step on Lego's, 5 puppies just born, Or lava?
  3. Puppies or kittens?
  4. What's your favorite holiday?
  5. What's your favorite animal?
  6. Do you play video games?
  7. Do you like cartoons?
  8. Do you think world peace could happen?
  9. Do you like disney princesses?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can i guess my age? QUIZ!
