Can I Guess What You Look Like? (For Girls)

Hello! I just made this quiz which is probably horribly inaccurate but take it anyway because I want to know how close I was lmaooooooo. But anyway comment what you got,

and how close it was to your actual appearance? Or something? Anyway I mostly made this quiz for fun so don’t take it that seriously lol. Heheh.. pretty easy

Created by: GloopBuns
  1. What is your favorite pastel color?
  2. Choose an animal group:
  3. What month were you born in?
  4. Are you okay..?
  5. How many teeth do you have?
  6. What was the last thing you ate?
  7. What is your race?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
  10. What color are your underwear right now?
  11. Have you had your first kiss?
  12. Which artist do you like most? If you haven’t heard of any of them just select “Shrek’s Butt”
  13. How many words per minute can you type?
  14. Pick a fruit!
  15. Do you play Minecraft, Fortnite, DND, or Roblox?
  16. How many Apple products do you have?
  17. Has anyone ever called you ugly? (Besides your brother or sister)
  18. Have you been to the hospital more than two times in the last year?
  19. Do you sleep in a lot?
  20. Talent?

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