California Symbols Quiz #1: Symbols 1 - 5: Easy Level Quiz

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In this quiz, I will be testing you on California's State symbols. There are 3 quizzes, and I hope you take them all. Try hard, and watch this first. The link is in paragraph 2.

Watch this before you take the quiz, and enjoy it. It is a slideshow about the California symbols, and you can close this tab because it has a link to this same tab. SEE YOU LATER!!! ([no urls]#slide=id.g751ea36e1e_0_8. Watch this before you take the quiz, and enjoy it.)

Created by: Jamison Laveque
  1. Part 1: The California State Flag - What do the white and red on the California flag represent?
  2. What type of bear is on the California flag?
  3. Part 2: The California State Song - What is the name of the California State Song?
  4. Who sang the California state song?
  5. Part 3: The California State TV Show - What is the California state TV Show (M*A*S*H)'s theme song called?
  6. What age person created the M*A*S*H theme?
  7. Part 4: The California State Dance - What is the California state dance called?
  8. What type of dance is the California state dance? (Two answers - 1 point for either one. Note - you can choose 2 answers)
  9. Part 5: The California State Motto - What is the state motto of California?
  10. What does the California state motto mean?
  11. How was the quiz? No effect ; )

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