Boyfriend Application

feel free to do the quiz and i can maybe see what happens next! hehe! just trying to find me the ONE! or maybe let the ONE find me! who knows right!?!

follow me on instagram @ angelmaiii and/or twitter @ angelmaii and dm me with any questions or concerns don't forget to dm me a screenshot of your quiz score! this is just way to funny to not know who's doing it! xoxo :)

Created by: Angel
  1. what is your age?
  2. how tall are you?
  3. do you smoke?
  4. can you cook?
  5. do you have pets?
  6. can you drive?
  7. do you have a vehicle?
  8. have you ever cheated on your significant other?
  9. how do you feel about big girls? (rolls and everything)
  10. how much money would you spend on your girlfriend?
  11. what is your ideal date?
  12. what type of movie genre do you like?
  13. what type of music genre do you like?
  14. do you play any sports?
  15. do you have kids?
  16. do you want kids in the future?
  17. do you workout?
  18. do you like to cuddle?
  19. how often do you EXPECT sex?
  20. are you a virgin?

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