best nickname for you

nickname?you don't know? there are manny cool nick names in here.One hint to get a 100 on the quiz is to be your self!!!theres no right or wrong answers!your awsome just the way you are

Do you think you know your nickname? this quiz gives your almost 100 nick names! if you have a few minutes take this quiz!!!!!!!!!!!! its mostly for teens but anone can try

Created by: chrissy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you tough
  2. you cool?
  3. do you have a pet?
  4. you weird
  5. where do you live?
  6. skinny fat tell the truth for you part
  7. spainsh?
  8. name?
  9. u a girl
  10. boy then?

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