Basic White Girl Quiz

This quiz is for girls who really wanna know if they fit those stereotypical white girl stigmas. Look ladies, this quiz may be offensive, that's good.

You are about to answer questions that may or may not appear relevant to you, but trust me, after spending my time around the white girl block, all the questions make sense.

Created by: IdidIt!
  1. Do you own a Hydroflask?
  2. What is the scariest city you have been to?
  3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
  4. Did You Play Any Sports in Highschool?
  5. How Many forms of Social Media do you have?
  6. Do you watch any sports?
  7. What is your Favorite movie?
  8. Which topic is more controversial?
  9. Do you ever wear mismatched socks?
  10. Did you find this quiz offensive?

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