Paragraph 1: Example: "There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? A genius is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve complex problems, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view."

Copy and paste makes life easier :D Does anyone take these quizes seriously? Let's go take the "am I made out of bacon quiz" and prove the doctors wrong. I'm just ranting now.. Answer the questions then.

Created by: Tom Kershaw
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's the name on my birth certificate?
  2. Which of these am I *not*?
  3. What's my favorite form of metal?
  4. The person(s) I'd most like to throw down a well is...
  5. If I said "And you're going to find, your power animal." you'd say.
  6. Do you have any small potentially annoying quirks?
  7. Which do you think of the following is superior?
  8. Someone said I need 3 things to help me concentrate. Which one isn't one of those 3?
  9. I engage in the totally-not-made-up activity of:
  10. Do you find exaggerating funny?
  11. Are scars cooler than Scarus?

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