ate you fabulous

If you think you are a fabulous please try this quiz to find out if you are actually a fabulous or not and my mistake isoelled ate instead of spellings. You are fabulous.

Are you fabulous. Do you have enough guts to try this wiz if so please teu this quiz I want to know what you guys are capable of. It would ld be a great honor.

Created by: deep
  1. Do you brush your teeth?
  2. Do you wear nice clothes?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Do you play games
  6. Are you a singer or dancer
  7. Do you liked to dance in the wet rain
  8. Do you like math
  9. Where you born in August
  10. Do you live in america
  11. What's your gender

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