Are you ugly, pretty, ok, hot, sexy or cute?

Don't let being sexy get to your head: many girls who have become the queen bee or just some super sexy and super popular girl, they tend to let it go to there heads! So stay positive and be the way you want to be not the way you are pressured to be.

Being ugly isn't all that bad: to some people being ugly is the worst thing ever but it isn't who cares what other people think you might now ever see them again anyways! As long as you have a good spirit and you are always happy you won't have a problem (you might grow up to be the hottest girl in the city to)

Created by: Savannah
  1. Do you think you look hot?
  2. What colour is your hair?
  3. How many boyfriends have you had?
  4. How would you best describe your face/hair/eyes
  5. How would you best describe your body?
  6. Do you like this quiz? (Does not effect your score)
  7. What face do you use the most?
  8. How do you best describe your personality?
  9. How old are you? (Does not effect your score)
  10. What's your gender (this is a girls only quiz so boys shouldn't be using this quiz)

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Quiz topic: Am I ugly, pretty, ok, hot, sexy or cute?