Are you the weird kid?

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This is a quiz to see if you are the weird kid at your school. Results range from not weird at all to the freaking weirdest person on the planet… yikes my dude.

*DISCLAIMER: DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY, THIS IS JUST A JOKE. NO HARD FEELINGS.* right? RIGHT? Ignore this, filler: whoops dopa doo da day wibbidy dibbidy floppidy globbidy

Created by: Nunya
  1. Do you pick your nose?
  2. Do people side eye you ever or look at you weird?
  3. Do you eat random things like glue/paste?
  4. Do you suck on your shirt during the day?
  5. How do you walk?
  6. Do you watch anime?
  7. Are you socially awkward? (I.e. words hard, suck at everything around people)
  8. Are you *ahem* … a furry?
  9. Are you smart?
  10. Are you gay? (Unfortunately gayness normally equals weird :( … )
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I the weird kid?
