Are you the hunter or the wolf?

Based on your traits, let’s see if your the hunter or the wolf! Wolf or hunter? Hunter or wolf? Only this quiz will tell! So play this quiz and see your results!

🐺🔫Have a great day! Hope you enjoy the quiz that I worked so hard on! Thank you 😊! Have soooooooo much fun when you play! Stay cool! Stay you! Thanks!

Created by: Benet
  1. Are you easy to convince?
  2. Do you do what your told?
  3. Meat or veggies?
  4. There’s a vote! Your side lost. How do you react?
  5. Are you fast?
  6. Hard to chew food or easy to chew food?
  7. Mom is trying to feed you veggies. Mom brings the airplane! What do you do?
  8. Your friend asks if you would like to play tag! You hate tag. What do you do?
  9. It’s your birthday! You want a Barbie doll! You don’t get one. What do you do?
  10. You are on the football team! The other team scores a touchdown! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I the hunter or the wolf?
