Are you ready for 6th grade

This quiz is to help you decide if you’re ready for middle school. (You probably guessed because of the title). All you have to do is fill in the bubble that most correctly describes you. You might have some questions that you have to use your brain to answer to. In that situation, fill in the bubble that you think would be the correct answer.

Well I prove read this quiz and it said I need to have one hundred characters in this paragraph so if you please excuse me I will tell you this story about why I hate bugs. I welcome you to skip this paragraph and simply answer the questions below.I despise bugs because they are slimy and sticky. In horror movies you usually see bugs in it. In Harry Potter and the prisoner of askcaban the Hogwarts students meet a boggart. We later learn that biggarts turn into you’re biggest fear. Mine would be bugs. Bugs are creepy and have no boundaries. You might see ants in your house or a stinging hornet outside at a playground. So in conclusion bugs are gross. hope you have so much fun! Enjoy!

Created by: Gia
  1. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
  2. Do you get lost easily?
  3. Can you be neat?
  4. Do you have a natural ability to make friends?
  5. Do teachers like you?
  6. Do you carry a cloud of drama wherever you go?
  7. Are you dating?
  8. How are you feeling about middle school!
  9. Mitochondrial is the “blank” of the cell.
  10. Answer this math problem:(5+5)-4/2=

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for 6th grade
