Are you popular

This quiz is to test your popularity levels. Who knows you may or may not be popular. Maybe you want to completly see if you are a loner. let the test decide.

Just making sure I say that this test is not to make anyone feel bad about themselves you are who you are and I respect that. Thank you for taking my popularity quiz.

Created by: Jaiden Myers
  1. Do you have friends?
  2. Do you sit with a large croud of people at lunch break?
  3. do you hang with friends after school
  4. do you have social media?
  5. If you do have social media do you have many followers?
  6. Are you girly?
  7. Are you rich?
  8. pick a job below...
  9. do you think your popular
  10. do you think your popular

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Quiz topic: Am I popular
