Are you part of the Bakusquad, Dekusquad. or LOV?

Have you wondered if you'd be part of the Bakusquad, Dekusquad, or League of Villains? Well, if you're doing this quiz... then yeah you probably wondered that-

This quiz will help you find out! You might not get what you think. And please be happy about your results. Yeah, maybe you wanted some other group but all three are just as good ):< aaanyway good luck!

Created by: bob
  1. Would you say you're 'crackheaded'?
  2. What's your average school grade? (if ur not in school anymore, then what was your average when you were in school)
  3. Are you what society calls 'normal'?
  4. Truth or dare?
  5. If truth: do you *simp* for any anime character? (at least one-)
  6. If dare: scream right now. Randomly. Just do it it's your dare.
  7. Are you a sadist or a masochist? (a sadist is someone that takes pleasure from other's pain, a masochist is someone that takes pleasure from their own pain)
  8. Quick! Rock paper scissors shoot! What did you do?
  9. Do you swear?
  10. What kind of friend are you? (out of these)
  11. Last question: are you mentally stable?

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Quiz topic: Am I part of the Bakusquad, Dekusquad. or LOV?
