Are you nice or mean?

Many people wonder if they are nice or mean. Your friends might say you are nice, but you can never be too sure. They may just be saying that to be nice, you know.

Are you nice or mean? Well, you'll never know until now, when you take this quiz. It will only take a few minutes. I hope that you will enjoy my quiz!

Created by: Rebekahh27
  1. You see a man fall down on the sidewalk while you're taking a walk. You...
  2. Your mom just asked you to wash the dishes. But you hate washing the dishes! You...
  3. You're at a party and while you're dancing, somebody hits you with their elbow. You say...
  4. You're in line at McDonalds to order your food. All of a sudden, a man just cuts in line and goes in front of you. You...
  5. Your friends are fighting while you are all hanging out together. You...
  6. Your boyfriend/girlfriend just dumped you over a text. You...
  7. Oh no! You just spilled your drink. You...
  8. You just finished your school science project that took you days to finish. All of a sudden, your brother spills his Pepsi on it. You say...
  9. Are you going to comment or rate?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I nice or mean?