Are you magic?find out

not everyone will get what they want but I tried to do a fair test.I would love it if you tried my quiz though I do a bit of magic myself but I did it making sure there wasent any too big decisions

Do you think you can do this quiz and pass with a magical happy score or just plain sad.Try my test and find out its based on true facts and I had help from my friends who don't believe in magic so TRY IT OUT:D

Created by: rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you think magic is real
  2. if you could be magic in only one element what element would you be?
  3. do you think there is life that is not around earth
  4. do you try out magic
  5. do you have a lucky jewellery/item
  6. does touching any thing that is supposed to be magic hurt you in any way?
  7. do you belive in any of the below
  8. how many freinds do you have
  9. will you tell others about this quiz
  10. how did you find this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I magic?find out