are you loveable?

You might think you are lovable but are you? Take this quiz to find out!! and maybe you can find somthing else about your self!! have lots of F U N!

thanks for taking this quiz!in a few moments you will find out if you are a loveable person and if you are not a lovable person at least you learned somthing!

Created by: lilly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you currently dating and or married?
  2. about how many bfs or gfs have you had?
  3. about how long have your relationships been?
  4. are you gay or lesbien?
  5. do you have to be someone else for your partner?
  6. have you ever made love with your partner?
  7. whats your hygene level?
  8. how big is your ego?
  9. does your partner kiss you alot?
  10. how often does your partner say i love you?
  11. how big are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I loveable?