Are you like Gertrude in When the Sun and Snow Meet

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Hello! In this quiz you will learn if you are like Gertrude, a character in When the Sun and Snow Meet. You probably have not heard of When the Sun and Snow Meet. Why, you may ask? Because I wrote it. ;)

Remember for the quiz to answer ALL OF the questions honestly. Again, it will give you your most suitable result. If you don't like your result, sorry… :|

Created by: Louise
  1. Do you like pink?
  2. Do you like Jojo Siwa bows?
  3. Do you have brown hair?
  4. Do you have grayish brown eyes?
  5. Are you girly?
  6. Do you like sunny weather?
  7. Are you a cheesy person at all?
  8. Do you like romance?
  9. Are you a 'squealer?'
  10. Do you wear fancy knickers?
  11. Is your name 'Gertrude?'
  12. Are you enthusiastic?
  13. Do you like the sound of working as a receptionist at the Piña Colada Hotel?
  15. Are you a tomboy?
  16. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I like Gertrude in When the Sun and Snow Meet
