Are You Insane?

Do you want to know if you're insane? Are you constantly angry at people? Then, You should take this quiz! It will give a pretty good (decent) opinion!

Do you want to know if you're insane? Are you constantly angry at people? Then, You should take this quiz! It will give a pretty good (decent) opinion.

Created by: Zach
  1. Have you ever wanted to hurt someone, you wanted to hurt them so they'd never be able to see the sunlight again?
  2. Have you ever tried to hurt anyone? Even if only a scratch?
  3. Have you ever had a serious accident? Like a severe blow to the head?
  4. Do you try to avoid people? Like, you are running from a witness?
  5. Wait... I have to have 12 Questiones!?!
  6. Wat rhymes with sloth?
  7. What Is Your Favorite Weapon?
  8. What are you still doing here?
  9. ...

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Quiz topic: Am I Insane?