are you going to heaven or hell?

Do you want to know if you are going to heaven or hell? Or maybe turned into an animal! Well, good luck with your resault! You might want to pick the truth though.

Are you ready to find out??? You should be ready! You would discover my opinion of you going to heaven, hell, or getting borned as an animal. I don't really like comments.

Created by: Laura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you think you will go? Heaven or hell?
  2. Did you do anything bad?
  3. Do you hate or love or like horror movies?
  4. If sombody says lets go do something fun! (doing bad things) what would you do?
  5. Do you belive in heaven?
  6. Do you belive in hell?
  7. You like heaven. Right?
  8. Do you like hell?
  9. It's almost the last question. Do you get any bad records at school?(students only)
  10. Last question. What resault do you think you will get?

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Quiz topic: Am I going to heaven or hell?