Are you funny or Boring?

This Quiz is about if you are something, or if you are other thing, after you did this quiz, you will be looking at the results, to see how your personality is.

CREATORS: Ivan Sacchi: Typing, making, helping. Axel Huang: Making and helping. We would like to thank you if you play our quiz, it means great effort to us, we took about 2 hours to make this.

Created by: I. Sacchi / A. Huang
  1. A student is telling you a quick joke, but it isn't that good, do you think it's funny, boring?
  2. You see there's a school competition of Comedy, everyone passed, but one failed, and the failed student told a good joke, would you say it's Funny or Boring?
  3. There's a student sad in the school, it's on the play ground alone but he's a good comedian, would you tell him a joke that is funny or boring?
  4. There's a student alone, waiting for someone special, would you replace that special student being Funny, or boring?
  5. You see that there is a school Buffet, but everything there is good and everyone enjoys it with jokes. Would you get Everyone's Attention?
  6. If you saw someone playing with a Nintendo 3DS In school when it's forbidden, would you call the teachers to take it's electronic object away?
  7. There was another School Competition of comedy, and the finals were too intensive but it had bad jokes. Would you say it's funny or boring, even if the finalists tried?
  8. What do you think about the title? Is it Funny or boring?
  9. You met a very famous comedian and he tells you jokes that are from the Internet, (Copied jokes), Would you say they are Funny or Boring?
  10. There's a very famous Comedian in your house, it tells you GREAT Jokes! But your friends aren't there to listen them, would you say they are funny or boring?

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Quiz topic: Am I funny or Boring?
