Are you Dustin, Hannah, or Spencer?

Have you always wondered whether or not you are Hannah, Dustin, or Spencer? There are big differences! Dustin is just reading some book aloud, while Hannah maybe is sleeping, and Spencer is making this quiz. Which are you?

I think I just about covered it in the first paragraph, but I guess I have to write another one. Dustin is CRAZY! He's rocking Hannah back and forth and now he's sitting on her. It's fairly upsetting, I have to say.

Created by: Spencer
  1. What kind of music do you listen to?
  2. Did you do well in high school?
  3. Are you pretentious?
  4. What caffeine beverages do you drink?
  5. What is your favorite movie?
  6. Tell me about your hair.
  7. Pick your favorite state!
  8. Pick a song!
  9. What is your favorite food?
  10. Who was the best teacher?
  11. What is your favorite type of guy?
  12. Who is your favorite president of the last 50 years?

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Quiz topic: Am I Dustin, Hannah, or Spencer?