Are you dumb or smart quiz

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Here you will answer some questions and you will get to Dumb, Smart, Normal, A bit dumb, or A bit smart! It also depends on your answer. Easy right? Some questions make no sense, some are hard and some are normal! Good luck solving them!

Rules:No trolling about being dumb! (It is allowed for vids tho)NO CHEATING BY LOOKING FOR ANSWERS AT GOOGLE!!! Enjoy doing this quiz and good luck! This is the first quiz I made :)

Created by: MushroomStew
  1. What do cows drink?
  2. What are the little things on our tongue called?
  3. When did World War I start?
  4. How do you measure water?
  5. What does idk mean?
  6. What is school?
  7. What is the animal in the picture?
  8. How do you drink water from a plastic bottle?
  9. What is 1 + 1?
  10. Remember this image...
  11. What was the dog's breed at the last question? (NO GOING BACK!! THAT IS CHEATING!)

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Quiz topic: Am I dumb or smart quiz
