Are you depressed?

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So this is a quiz I made. It is meant to help you see if you have depression before spending money on a doctor. 15% of people who have depression commit Su!cide.

Plz no hate comments, this is not a official screener. I hope you get a low score, and if you don't, there is still hope, you are not alone. Call 988 for help

Created by: dd
  1. gender?
  2. do u do self harm?
  3. have you thought about or tried to do suicide? within a month
  4. do u like dark humor?
  5. hi
  6. do u cut
  7. do you go online a lot?
  8. do u have a family history of suicide
  9. r u crying?
  10. sry this is my first quiz
  11. how's ur day going
  12. fav band
  13. bye

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed?
