are you cool enough

this quiz is about if you are cool like if you want to hangout with cool kids and if you need to fix anything so you are more cool than you are now and learn what makes you not cool

are you cool? well if you want to find out you should give this a try it is cool and it only takes a few minutes to find out if you are cool and if you are you should be proud

Created by: makayla

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favorite color
  2. do you have cool friends
  3. do you have parties a lot
  4. if you had friends over what would you do
  5. do you think your cool
  6. lol are you crazy
  7. do you like this test
  8. are you happy school is out
  9. would you like me to write more
  10. we are done are you happy

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Quiz topic: Am I cool enough