Are You Cool or Nerdy?

Many people think they're cool or awesome. Well you won't know for sure until you take this quiz about how cool you are, or how nerdy you are. So what are you waiting for.

Are you the cool kid around the block or are you some nerd who plays video games for 10 hours straight? Well guess what you will found out in a minute or 2?

Created by: wizzy willy
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Are you invited to parties?
  3. Do you like movies?
  4. Do you date
  5. Do you like dating?
  6. Do you like technology?
  7. Do peole like you?
  8. How will people describe you?
  9. Do you throw parties?
  10. How many parties do you go in a year?
  11. Do you get in trouble?
  12. How will you describe yourself?

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